Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Welcome to our blog!!

Hello here is a little something about each of us! Hope to keep all our family and friends updated on our life. Jiggs is 28 years old. Jiggs is currently working as a supervisor at Larry's Mining. He enjoys his work but sometimes doesn't love all the stress! He works long long days leaving at 4:30am and not getting home until 6:30 or 7pm. He is a very hard worker. He plays on a city basketball team every Tuesday night. He plays with two high school classmates David Stanley and Kade Rumph. They have a good time. Me and the kids love going and supporting Daddy. Jiggs loves his little babies. He plays with them every night and any spare minute he has. When I say Daddys home it is a race to the door to greet Dad. SOO CUTE!

As for me I'm a stay at home mom and love every minute of it! I am 24 years old. I am so grateful to be able to stay home and watch every thing my kids do new. I was watching my nephew Seldon but he is going to someone new. We will miss him but now me and the kids can go do some things with other moms and kids! My days are filled with snacks, cartoons, playing, cleaning, diapers...... and lots more fun things! I hardly ever have a dull moment. I do hair when ever someone needs it done. We are so blessed to have healthy and beautiful children.

Jaxon is a very kind and loving 3 year old boy. He loves to play with his friends. He always wants them to come play. He is now potty trained thank god! He loves his grandparents very much and wants to go to papas and grandmas house anytime he can. When he is there he drives the 4wheeler and tractors. Jaxon loves any kind of animal. He is really getting into watching Daddy play basketball and is wanting to play! Him and Jiggs wrestle all the time. He is a big boy and tries to wrestle his friends and sometimes is a little too aggressive. He is enrolled in preschool for the 09/10 school year. Hopefully he will get in. He is excited to go to school. He knows his colors and can count to 10 we are working on the ABC's. Jaxon loves his little sister and protects her when needed.
Shaylee is our sweet lil girl. She is 9 months old. She has more hair than a two year old. She has had four hair cuts and her hair is still down to her shoulders. She is a cutie. She is so happy and easy going for now! Hopefully she will stay that way but the last few weeks she is getting a little attitude. She loves watching her big brother and playing with him. She crawls all over the house and is into everything. She is starting to walk around the furniture but isn't daring enough to take a step. She is a mama's girl but likes her daddy too. Shaylee has 6 teeth and eats everything and anything!

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